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Perkins Smart Engine Oil Cap won the 2018 Edison Invention Award
The 31st Edison Invention Award Ceremony in 2018 was held on April 11th at the Capitale Club in New York City. Perkins® Smart Engine Oil Cap was awarded the Gold Award in the category of innovative application technology.
The Edison Awards™ are recognized by companies as one of the highest honors for innovation and commercial achievement. It was established to commend the most innovative and outstanding technological achievements, enterprises and business leaders in the development of new products and services.
The 31st Edison Invention Award Ceremony in 2018 was held on April 11th at the Capitale Club in New York City. Perkins® Smart Engine Oil Cap was awarded the Gold Award in the category of innovative application technology.
Frank Bonafilia, Chief Executive Officer of Edison Invention Awards said: "Our reviewers agreed that the Perkins Intelligent Oil Cap is the truly most innovative product among the many nominated products in the same category."
Perkins Marketing Director David Nicoll said at the award ceremony: "We are deeply honored to receive this award. I would like to accept this award on behalf of the Perkins team. We have more than 85 years of excellent R&D tradition and deep strength, and we have been committed to Constantly innovate and seek breakthroughs to meet customer expectations for Perkins' excellent brand."
Perkins智能机油盖(Perkins® SmartCap)适用于Perkins所有新型和既有的机械式和电控发动机型号。该智能机油盖安装十分方便,终端用户只需用它取代原来的机油盖,即可通过智能手机上的Perkins® 维护宝(Perkins® My Engine)App,将他们正在使用的发动机和手机连接起来。机油盖会监测发动机的工作情况,然后把数据直接传送到Perkins维护宝App。
Perkins售后市场产品总经理韦理德(Michael Wright)说:“我们看到该产品愈来愈受用户欢迎,几乎每一天都收到好评,证明我们满足世界各地客户的努力的确没有白费。这个装置堪称独一无二,它是全球首个价格相宜的发动机专用数字式连接装置。这是Perkins在后市场领域的一项巨大突破。公司领导层对开发团队成功‘将不可能变得可能’感到非常自豪,获得创新金奖,更让我们引以为傲。”
智能机油盖也能帮助用户便捷地掌握有关发动机的具体信息,包括建造标准清单、所属系列、类别、型号、Perkins白金级保修计划指示,及操作保养手册。该App已推出英文、德文、法文、西班牙文和葡萄牙文多个版本,为世界各地主要语区的用户提供即时发动机信息;2018 年稍后时间将推出更多其他语言版本。