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Information on engines, generators, and Perkins

2019/08/23 09:58
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An engine is a machine that can convert other forms of energy into mechanical energy, including internal combustion engines (gasoline engines, etc.), external combustion engines (Stirling engines, steam engines, etc.), electric motors, etc. For example, internal combustion engines usually convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. The engine is not only applicable to the power generation device, but also refers to the entire machine including the power device (such as: gasoline engine, aviation engine). The engine was first born in the United Kingdom, so the concept of the engine also originated from English, and its original meaning refers to the "mechanical device that generates power".
An engine is a machine that can convert other forms of energy into mechanical energy, including internal combustion engines (gasoline engines, etc.), external combustion engines (Stirling engines, steam engines, etc.), electric motors, etc. For example, internal combustion engines usually convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. The engine is not only applicable to the power generation device, but also refers to the entire machine including the power device (such as: gasoline engine, aviation engine). The engine was first born in the United Kingdom, so the concept of the engine also originated from English, and its original meaning refers to the "mechanical device that generates power".
A generator is a mechanical device that converts other forms of energy into electrical energy. It is driven by a water turbine, steam turbine, diesel engine or other power machinery to convert the energy generated by water flow, air flow, fuel combustion or nuclear fission into mechanical energy and transmit it to the generator. Converted into electrical energy by a generator. Generators are widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, science and technology and daily life. There are many forms of generators, but their working principles are based on the law of electromagnetic induction and the law of electromagnetic force. Therefore, the general principle of its construction is: use appropriate magnetic and conductive materials to form magnetic circuits and circuits that conduct electromagnetic induction with each other to generate electromagnetic power and achieve the purpose of energy conversion.
Perkins is one of the world's leading designers and manufacturers of off-road diesel engines, and a market leader in off-road diesel engines with a power of 4 to 2000 kW.
Perkins 公司擅长为客户量身定做发动机,完全满足客户的特定需求,因而备受设备生产商信赖。凭此优势,公司现时向全球 1,000 多家主要设备生产商供应发动机,这些发动机应用于 5,000 多种不同场合,覆盖五大市场:农用机械、建筑/工程机械、发电设备、工业用设备和物料装卸设备。
Perkins 在江苏省无锡市独资兴建的发动机工业园自 2008 年 11 月投产以来,专注制造 400 系列紧凑型发动机及 1100 系列中型发动机。Perkins 无锡发动机工业园并设有研发中心,集中开发适应中国以至亚洲市场的产品。
Perkins 在全球各地派驻的产品支持团队,保证每台售出的 Perkins 发动机,无论落户世界 那一个角落,都能时刻正常运作。我们维佳动力作为Perkins在中国被授权的两家代理商之一,一直都秉承Perkins的办事宗旨,全面满足中国主机厂和终端用户的需求。